Sync Contact Data on Open and Close

When you open or close a tax return, ATX syncs with CCH iFirm, recognizing changes to contact data. The following data is exchanged between ATX and CCH iFirm:

  • SSN or TIN
  • Taxpayer name or business name
  • Address, city, state, and zip code
  • Work, cell and home phone numbers
  • Email address
  • Date of birth
  • Date of death

When you open a return if there are any changes from CCH iFirm, ATX recognizes these changes and prompts you to sync the changes.

To sync updated contact information from CCH iFirm when opening a return:

  1. Open your return. For more information see Opening Returns. When changes have been made to the contact in CCH iFirm, a dialog appears asking if you want to sync:

CCH iFirm Contact Sync dialog box

  1. Select the check box for the contact(s) you want to sync.
  2. Click Sync Changes.

If you want to keep the current information in ATX, click Skip.

Similarly, when you close a return, if there are supported field changes, ATX asks you if you want to sync the changes to iFirm.

To sync updated contact information from ATX to CCH iFirm when closing a return:

  1. In ATX, save and close your return. For more information, see Closing Returns.
  2. When changes have been made to the contact in ATX, a dialog appears asking if you want to sync:

CCH iFirm Contact Sync dialog box

  1. Select the check box for the contact(s) you want to sync.
  2. Click Sync Changes.

If you want to keep the current information in CCH iFirm click Skip.

See Also:

CCH iFirm